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首页 » 名人专家 » 唐阵武


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    1995.09—1998.06    皖西学院地理系环境科学专业,大学专科

    2001.09—2004.06    西南大学资源环境学院环境工程专业,硕士

    2004.09—2007.06    北京师范大学环境学院环境科学专业,博士

    2007.07—2011.03    华北电力大学资源与环境研究院,讲师

    2011.04—2017.03    华北电力大学环境研究院,副教授

    2017.03—2017.08    华北电力大学环境科学与工程学院,教授

    2017.09—现在      中央民族大学生命与环境科学学院,教授


    • 国家自然科学基金项目“巢湖南淝河流域典型紫外吸收剂污染输移机制与生物富集研究”(41571445)
    • 国家自然科学基金项目“基于立体选择性的污染场地OCPs营养级迁移规律研究(41001329)”
    • 国家公益性行业专项课题“医药行业废有机溶剂环境风险评价与控制技术研究”(2013467023-02)”
    • 国家公益性行业专项重大项目子课题“资源化行业PBDEs重点源污染特性与环境效应研究(201009026-02-02)”
    • 国家科技重大专项专题“湖泊富营养化控制标准制定的方法学和关键技术研究(2009ZX07106-001-005-02)”
    • 河北省自然科学基金面上项目“基于立体选择性的白洋淀湿地OCPs营养级迁移规律研究(B2011502017)”


    1)        Tang Z, Huang Q, Cheng J, Yang Y, Yang J, Guo W, Nie Z, Zeng N, Jin L. Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Soils, Sediments, and Human Hair in a Plastic Waste Recycling Area: a Neglected Heavily Polluted Area. Environmental Science Technology, 2014, 48: 1508–1516.

    2)        Tang Z, Huang Q, Yang Y. PCDD/Fs in Fly Ash from Waste Incineration in China: A Need for Effective Risk Management. Environmental Science Technology, 2013, 47, 5520−5521.

    3)        Tang Z, Huang Q, Nie Z, Yang Y, Yang J, Wang Y, Cheng J. Levels and distribution of organochlorine pesticides and hexachlorobutadiene in soils and terrestrial organisms from a former pesticide-producing area in Southwest China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2016, 30 (4): 1249–1262.

    4)        Nie Z, Tian S, Tian Y, Tang Z*, Tao Y, Die Q, Fang Y, He J, Wang Q, Huang Q. The distribution and biomagnification of higher brominated BDEs in terrestrial organisms affected by a typical e-waste burning site in South China. Chemosphere, 2015, 118: 301–308.

    5)        Tang Z, Zhang W, Chen Y. Adsorption and desorption characteristics of monosulfuron in Chinese soils. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, 166(2-3): 1351–1356.Tang Z, Huang Q, Cheng J, Qu D, Yang Y, Guo W. Distribution and accumulation of hexachlorobutadiene in soils and terrestrial organisms from an agricultural area, East China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2014, 108: 329–334.

    6)        Tang Z, Zhang L, Huang Q, Yang Y, Nie Z, Cheng J, Yang J, Wang Y, Chai M. Contamination and risk of heavy metals in soils and sediments from a typical plastic waste recycling area in north China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2015, 122: 343–351.

    7)        Tang Z, Huang Q, Yang Y, Zhu X, Fu H. Organochlorine pesticides in the lower reaches of Yangtze River: occurrence, ecological risk and temporal trends. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2013, 87(1): 89–97.

    8)    Tang Z, Chai M, Cheng J, Jin J, Yang Y, Nie Z, Huang Q, Li Y. Contamination and health risks of heavy metals in street dust from a coal-mining city in eastern China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2017, 138:83-91.


    1)    合著. 《长江中游典型段水体污染特征研究及生态风险评价》, 中国环境科学出版社, 2008.

    2)    合著. 《新增列POPs废物与污染场地优先管理研究》, 中国环境科学出版社, 2016.

    3)    参编. 联合国环境规划署, Draft of technical guidelines on the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with hexabromodiphenyl ether and heptabromodiphenyl ether, or tetrabromodiphenyl ether and pentabromodiphenyl ether (国际环境标准), 2015.

    4)    参编. 联合国环境规划署, Draft of technical guidelines on the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with hexabromocyclododecane(国际环境标准), 2015.

    5)    参编. 环境保护部,《重点行业二恶英污染防治技术政策》(国家环境标准), 2015. 

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