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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2017-08-16  浏览次数:468

书名:Pollution Control and Resource Reuse for Alkaline Hydrometallurgy of Amphoteric metal Hazardous Wastes (两性金属危险废物碱介质湿法冶金与污染控制和资源化)


This book provides a comprehensive description of alkaline hydrometallurgy of amphoteric metal hazardous wastes. Topics focus on leaching of zinc and lead hazardous wastes, purification of leach solution of zinc and lead, electrowinning of zinc and lead from purified alkaline solutions, chemical reactions taking place in the production flowsheets, thermodynamic and spent electrolyte regeneration, alkaline hydrometallurgy of low-grade smithsonite ores, recovery of molybdenum and tungsten using ion flotation and solvent extraction processes and their application in chemical synthesis of Nb and Ta inorganic compounds, and industrial scale production of 1500-2000 t/a zinc powder using alkaline leaching–electrowinning processes. 

Processes described are cost-effective, generate lesser secondary pollutants, and have been applied widely in China. Readers that will find the book appealing include solid waste engineers, environmental managers, technicians, recycling coordinators, government officials, undergraduates and graduate students, and researchers. 


Dr. Zhao Youcai is professor of environmental engineering at School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University. He received his bachelor's degree from Sichuan University in 1984 and Ph.D. from Institute of Chemical metallurgy (now Institute of Process Engineering), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing in 1989). He has worked at Aristotle University, Greece, National University of Singapore, Tulane University, USA, and Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland as a research fellow or visiting professor. He has authored or co-authored 138 publications published in peer-reviewed internationally recognized journals, 420 publications in Chinese journals, and authored or co-authored 75 books (as an author or chief editor). Currently, his research interests include treatment of municipal solid wastes, sewage sludge, hazardous wastes, polluted construction wastes and industrial wastes.

Dr. Zhang Chenglong is professor of environmental engineering at Shanghai collaborative innovation centre for WEEE recycling, Shanghai Polytechnic University. He received his bachelor's degree from Wuhan University in 1996, masters degree from National Engineering Research Center of Waste Resource Recovery in 2003 and Ph.D. from East China University of Science and Technology in 2008. He has authored or co-authored 69 publications published in peer-reviewed journals, and authored or co-authored 5 books. Currently, his research interests include cleaner production and treatment of WEEE, industrial wastes and hazardous wastes.

Chapter 1. Amphoteric metal  hazardous wastes and hydrometallurgical processes of zinc and lead.
Chapter 2. Thermodynamic of alkaline leaching of zinc and lead hazardous wastes.
Chapter 3. Kinetic of alkaline leaching of solid wastes bearing zinc and lead.
Chapter 4. Leaching of zinc and lead hazardous wastes in alkaline solutions.
Chapter 5. Purification of leach solution of zinc and lead in alkaline solutions.
Chapter 6. Electrowinning of zinc and lead from alkaline solutions.
Chapter 7. Alkaline hydrometallurgy of low-grade smithsonite ores.
Chapter 8. Spent electrolyte regeneration and recovery of associated valuable metals from lean leach solution.
Chapter 9. Industrial scale production of zinc powder using alkaline leaching–electrowinning processes. 



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